Evaluation of quality of life related to climacteric and menopause

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Roxana Argueta Álvarez


The climacteric is a transition period that puts an end to a woman's reproductive capacity. It begins before the cessation of the menstrual period occurs; while menopause is characterized by total absence, causing somatic, psychological and genitourinary alterations. Aim:
Determine the quality of life of women in the climacteric and menopause stages.
Methodology: Quantitative study of descriptive scope, in women from the eastern area, with inclusion criteria of ages between 45 and 55 years. The instrument used was the Menopausal Rating Scale (MRS), including questions related to general health.
Ethical principles: prior informed consent of each of the participants, respecting the right of confidentiality.
Results: 123 women participated. The most frequent symptoms, with a value scale from mild to intolerable, are discomfort.
muscle and joint problems (86%), followed by physical and mental fatigue (82%) and irritability (76%). According to the domains that make up the MRS scale, those of a psychological nature are presented most frequently, in parallel related to the vegetative somato. Conclusions /
Recommendations: the diagnosis of pathologies such as hypertension and diabetes in patients influences the severity of the symptoms, directly impacting their quality of life. It is important to consider the vulnerability of the family within women's care programs in this process, contributing to the assimilation and improvement of women's quality of life.

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How to Cite
Argueta Álvarez, R. . (2024). Evaluation of quality of life related to climacteric and menopause. Inicio, 1(9), 43-50. https://doi.org/10.5377/revunivo.v9i9.11395
Author Biography

Roxana Argueta Álvarez, Universidad de Oriente

Licenciada en Laboratorio Clínico
Investigadora Universidad de Oriente