Prototype of charging station for batteries of electronic devices with renewable energy using solar panels for the Universidad de Oriente

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Manfredy Alberto Molina Villegas
Hernán José Hernández Durán


This project aims to establish a prototype of a charging station based on the use of a solar panel as a clean energy proposal in the face of multiple environmental problems due to climate change; taking advantage of the abundant sunlight of the city of San Miguel, El Salvador. The solar charging station was designed as a kiosk for the greater comfort of its users, with a 1.5 m2 wooden table, 6 wooden chairs, a 2.4 x 0.30 m2 zinc alum roof, a square box—in the center of the table—where 4 double outlets and 4 USB ports fit. In the electrical and photovoltaic part, different calculations were made to determine the quantity and power of the materials and equipment. An estimated consumption calculation was made for the devices that would be connected to the solar charger, 4 double outlets, 2 LED lights and a motion sensor, then technical aspects such as the quantity and power of the solar panel that would be needed and the general performance of the device were calculated. equipment to use. The photovoltaic system illuminates autonomously by not receiving sunlight and detecting the movement of people. The prototype provides energy savings in the electrical network of the Universidad de Oriente and provides connectivity benefits to students, teachers, and visitors on campus. The results have been favorable with the charging station; By taking advantage of the natural light of the sun, without affecting the environment, the use of renewable energies is encouraged and, in turn, it has had a fairly high demand from its users. This is essential to combat climate change, as it in turn provides energy savings from the electrical grid for the Universidad de Oriente.

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How to Cite
Molina Villegas, M. A. ., & Hernández Durán, H. J. (2024). Prototype of charging station for batteries of electronic devices with renewable energy using solar panels for the Universidad de Oriente. Inicio, 1(11), 68-94. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Manfredy Alberto Molina Villegas, Universidad de Oriente

Ingeniero en Sistemas, Investigador de Universidad de Oriente

Hernán José Hernández Durán, Universidad de Oriente

Arquitecto, Maestro en Administrador de Empresas e Investigador de Universidad de Oriente