Educational quality: “A vision and practice of innovation and curricular development in higher education for Central America”

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Maritza Ruiz de Campos


The development of the article makes a chronological reference to the state of educational theories and how these have been developed through pedagogical didactic practice and how they continue to predominate in some educational approaches, education and its relationship with educational management are addressed. level of higher education, the main trends of the essence and innovation of curricula and education, its impact on the development of Higher Education in Central America, innovation and curricular development as a practice of educational technology. Educational quality must currently focus, of course, on a vision and practice of innovation and curricular development at the level of a more inclusive higher education, which derives from a model of management and institutional development of the institutions to teach the different programs and careers in the level of higher education, this will lead to generating a ranking in educational quality and, of course, this will impact as a development indicator for each of the educational careers and programs, which bring excellence as a practice in the training of students, and can also insert themselves into education internationalization programs.

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How to Cite
Ruiz de Campos, M. . (2024). Educational quality: “A vision and practice of innovation and curricular development in higher education for Central America”. Inicio, 1(11), 95-118. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Maritza Ruiz de Campos, Universidad de Oriente

Post Doctora en Educación con Énfasis en Gestión Administrativa de la Educación Superior, Investigadora de Universidad de Oriente