Evolution of College Admission Preferences, A Data Mining Approach with CRISP-DM.

Main Article Content

José Antonio Fuentes Velásquez


With the aim of identifying preferences and finding patterns about them, this article is a guide on how to apply the CRISP-DM Methodology in data mining in higher education. This study aims to analyze the cases of preferences of students who enter the university and how these analyzes can be used to make relevant decisions regarding efforts to attract new student prospects by having well defined each characteristic of interest for the university. university, how data can be analyzed using the CRISP-DM methodology and how the results can be presented effectively.

Article Details

How to Cite
Fuentes Velásquez, J. A. . (2024). Evolution of College Admission Preferences, A Data Mining Approach with CRISP-DM. Inicio, 1(13), 108-123. Retrieved from https://revista.univo.edu.sv/index.php/investigacion/article/view/59
Author Biography

José Antonio Fuentes Velásquez, Universidad de Oriente

Licenciatura en Matemática