Importance of creating an economic observatory in the Eastern Zone of El Salvador.

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José Rigoberto Vaquerano Benavides


The eastern zone of El Salvador is an important geographic region of the country, which has historically provided key resources to boost the national economy from thriving agricultural and livestock production, marine exploitation, tourism and others, at the same time it has dynamic commercial activity. and services that make it attractive for national and international investment, it occupies more than a third of the national territory, with more than a million inhabitants, traditionally recipient of a significant flow of remittances sent by those of its citizens who have emigrated to the foreign. Therefore, this article addresses the considerations and analyzes the basic requirements for the creation of an observatory specialized in the analysis of socioeconomic phenomena with emphasis on the eastern part of the country. A qualitative and descriptive approach was used by conducting interviews with representatives of public institutions, professional unions and local development associations that operate in the territory and outside it. The results are presented through a structural approach by categories that address the scope, principles, governance, inter-institutional cooperation and sustainability that an economic observatory must have that favorably affects the creation of public policies in economic matters and contributes to the population acquire truthful information and have informed opinions.

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How to Cite
Vaquerano Benavides, J. R. . (2024). Importance of creating an economic observatory in the Eastern Zone of El Salvador. Inicio, 1(13), 2-16. Retrieved from
Author Biography

José Rigoberto Vaquerano Benavides, Universidad de Oriente

Administrador de Empresas, Maestro en Métodos y Técnicas de Investigación Social. Investigador