Inclusive Education and Social Exclusion its conceptual and empirical dimensions.

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Sebastián Antonio Benítez Zelaya


The aim of this study was to define the theoretical perspectives on inclusive education and its educational approaches, as well as the different definitions that have been proposed about this educational model. A sociological sketch of the different concepts that arise about social inclusion and exclusion has also also been made, for instance, marginality, poverty, integration, informality, agents of exclusion and the paradigms are proposed for the analysis of social exclusion, futhermore, statistics on the poverty situation in El Salvador are also presented. Finally, some conclusions are made about the approach to these theories in this reseach.

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How to Cite
Benítez Zelaya, S. A. . (2024). Inclusive Education and Social Exclusion its conceptual and empirical dimensions. Inicio, 2(15), 24-41. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Sebastián Antonio Benítez Zelaya, Universidad de El Salvador

Licenciado en Sociología